I Am Only Feeling Very Tired or Tensed. What Can I Do?Updated 2 years ago
Yes, most users experience this if they are a beginner. If you are experiencing these symptoms, you may simply stop using the Qi coils™ for some time before starting another session. Or you may turn down the volume on your mobile device that is running be Qi coil™ app. Usually, a day or two will be enough for your body to eliminate toxins that have been flushed out of your systems. Make sure to hydrate and get plenty of rest. Once your systems are tuned up over time (usually 21 days), you may experience little or no detox effects.
What is a Healing Crisis?
Environmental toxins accumulate in tissue throughout the body, especially fat tissue. Additionally, the human body has bacterial colonies. When you cleanse your body, the toxins dislodge and the bacteria die off and release endotoxins. When the toxins and waste are dislodged, the body begins to flush them into the bloodstream to be filtered and eliminated. This sudden circulation of toxins can temporarily impact your well being and symptoms of illness (sweating, fever, discomfort, etc.) may occur.