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How To Use Meditation Frequencies

How do meditation frequencies work?

It uses unique, powerful, harmonic sounds and sequences that are programmed in our Qi Coil app, that can be converted into an electromagnetic field to tune your mind and body for wellness. Audio signals (sound) can trigger electromagnetic signals int

Understanding the Power of Meditation Frequencies: A Beginner's Guide

Meditation frequencies are said to be like food for your body, mind, and spirit. Just like how you drink water or eat food to fulfill your body's need for nourishment, meditation frequencies can feed it as well. So to answer the question, "How long s

Optimizing Your Meditation Experience: A Step-by-Step Guide to Choosing the Best Frequencies

With the thousands of frequencies available in our collections, it may be overwhelming at first to choose the best ones for you.  So here is a simple guide to help you find the best frequencies for you. Step 1 - Determine 1 or 2 results that you want

Basic Frequencies Guide

The sound of “AUM”, life force, and heart. Prevent heart problems and boosts heart chakraPrevent your DNA from degeneratingPurify your polluted water supplyRestructure poisonous GMO foods. Don't want to be poisoned by GMO's?Very Good For Heart. Tunes

Recommended Programs/Playlist

I used a frequency for a few weeks and they worked amazingly, but lately they didn't have as much effect, why?

After some time of using a frequency, you become saturated with that frequency.  It's like you are a sponge and you have soaked up that frequency to the maximum level. Simply use another frequency for a few days, it could even be a different frequenc

How Do I Use The Frequencies?

Audio Listening: Listen to the frequencies with headphones or speakers for a direct experience. Qi Coil™ Connection: Connect the frequencies to Qi Coils™ for silent, magnetic energy transmission. Combined Use: You can use both speakers/headphones and

How Long Does It Take for Frequencies to be Effective?

Effectiveness varies from person to person, but a typical period for noticeable changes is around 21 days with consistent use.

Why Do Some Frequencies Have No Sound?

Some frequencies, particularly those below 30 Hz, are very low and may be imperceptible to the human ear. These can still be effective through Qi Coils™ .

Why Are Rife Frequencies Not Recommended For Audio Listening?

Rife frequencies can be high-pitched and may not be comfortable to listen to. While you can listen if it’s comfortable for you, Quantum and higher-tiered frequencies generally yield better results for audio sessions.

How Long Should Each Session Be?

Audio Listening: Sessions can last from 30 minutes to 3 hours. Qi Coil™ Magnetic Therapy: Use for 30 minutes to 1 hour on medium power, and up to 24 hours on low power. If you experience detox symptoms, pause or reduce the session time.

How Can I Increase the Runtime of the Frequencies?

Use the Repeat 1 or Repeat ALL button to extend playback.

If There are Multiple Frequencies for the Same Purpose, Which Should I Use?

Muscle Testing: This is a technique to determine the best frequency for you. (Instructions on muscle testing can be provided). Higher-Tiered Frequencies: Generally, higher-tiered frequencies are more potent. Experimentation: Try different frequencies